Thursday 6 May 2010

flowers on a sunlit evening

Spring flowers are one of the great delights of our native woodlands, and now is the time to get into the woods to enjoy them. These pictures are from Argyll, which is a bit behind some other parts of the country. Above is the bud of the wild garlic flower: you can see the edible broad green leaves in the background.

Dog violet has an unusual means of spreading seed: ants frequently carry the seed around.

Wood sorrell has leaves rather like clover. They have a peppery taste.

Primrose, the first rose of spring, have been in flower for a while now.

The dazzling white of wood anenome is a welcome sign of Spring

1 comment:

Paul Ramsay said...

Hello Gordon,

I like your snw blog with its pleasant woodland flowers.

I too have a blog, but not so well set out as yours.