Scottish Native Woods makes a long term commitment to woodland restoration.
In the year 2000 we helped a owner of an ancient woodland secure a forestry grant to regenerate part of the woodland by erecting a deer fenced exclosure. The browsing levels, a consequence of the high numbers of roe deer, meant that the young tree seedlings could not grow & establish above the grass.
Over the last 10 years we have visited the site, returning to the same locations or fixed points to monitor the changes that have taken place.
In 2000 the site was a grassy area. I think the photographs below speak for themselves!
Fixed Point A - Photo taken in summer 2006

Fixed Point A - Photo taken in summer 2010

Fixed Point B - Photo taken in summer 2006

Fixed Point B - Photo taken in summer 2010
The tree regeneration is so dense that the photo was taken outside the exclosure.
For scale the cane in the photo is 1.5 metres.
It is hoped that over the next couple of years the fences will be removed.